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Hello! I’m Mattieu Zhai and this is my project website for Fast Robots, where we built an autonomous robot car and . Here, you will find pages with the lab writeups. In my free time, I enjoy playing ultimate frisbee and performing magic tricks. Enjoy! ME

Lab 1: Introduction to the Artemis Board

The purpose of this lab was to familiarize ourselves with the Artemis Nano board as well as the Arduino IDE…

Lab 2: Bluetooth Communication

The purpose of this lab was to establish a Bluetooth connection between our computer and the Artemis board…

Lab 3: Time-of-Flight Sensors

The purpose of this lab was to get our two time-of-flight sensors working and connected to our Artemis board…

Lab 4: IMU

The purpose of this lab was to get our IMU working and sending data back to our Artemis board…

Lab 5: Motor Drivers

The purpose of this lab was to open up our robot and attach new motor drivers to the car…

Lab 6: PID Control

The purpose of this lab was to build a PID controller for the car to control distance from the wall…

Lab 7: Kalman Filter

The purpose of this lab was to build a Kalman filter to estimate the distance from the wall for a faster…

Lab 8: Stunts :)

The purpose of this lab was to combine everything from previous labs to have our robot perform a fast stunt…

Lab 9: Mapping

The purpose of this lab was to have our robot map out its surroundings using its ToF sensors and transformation matrices…

Lab 10: Localization (simulation)

The purpose of this lab was to have our robot localize where it was with a Bayes filter in simulation…

Lab 11: Localization (real)

The purpose of this lab was to perform localization on the robot…

Lab 12: Motion-planning and Navigation

The purpose of this lab was to combine everything we’ve done in order to navigate our robot through a map…